The ST. THOMAS MORE COLLEGE FACULTY UNION (1977) is a trade union certified on May 2, 1977, by the Labour Relations Board under the Trade Union Act, Province of Saskatchewan.
The objects of the Union are:
- To regulate relations between the College and the Union and any person eligible for membership in the Union.
- To bargain collectively on behalf of its members with the Board of Governors of St. Thomas More College.
- To promote the interests and well being of persons employed by St. Thomas More College and to establish and maintain the best possible standards of remuneration and working conditions consistent with the continuation of high academic standards.
- To promote an atmosphere of sound learning in which its members are all encouraged to reason well in all matters, to reach out towards truth, and to grasp it.
- To co-operate with other bodies whose interest may be similar, in particular with national and international associations of university and college professors and lecturers and of research workers.
- In association with other faculty associations or unions to improve the services provided by the academic profession and to advance the scientific, educational, professional and economic welfare of all members of the academic profession.
- To settle all disputes which may arise with employers or organizations of employers by negotiation.
- To do all such other things as are necessary or incidental or conducive to the objects of the Union.
Constitution Sections
1 Our Constitution and By-Laws
1.1 ARTICLE I – Interpretation
1.2 ARTICLE II – Membership
1.3 ARTICLE III – General Meetings
1.4 ARTICLE IV – Executive Committee
1.5 ARTICLE V – Officers
1.6 ARTICLE VI – Standing and Special Committees
1.7 ARTICLE VII – Borrowing Powers
1.8 ARTICLE VIII – Liability of Members
1.9 ARTICLE IX – Procedure
Our Constitution and By-Laws
The ST. THOMAS MORE COLLEGE FACULTY UNION (1977) is a trade union certified on May 2, 1977, by the Labour Relations Board under the Trade Union Act, Province of Saskatchewan.
The objects of the Union are:
- To regulate relations between the College and the Union and any person eligible for membership in the Union.
- To bargain collectively on behalf of its members with the Board of Governors of St. Thomas More College.
- To promote the interests and well being of persons employed by St. Thomas More College and to establish and maintain the best possible standards of remuneration and working conditions consistent with the continuation of high academic standards.
- To promote an atmosphere of sound learning in which its members are all encouraged to reason well in all matters, to reach out towards truth, and to grasp it.
- To co-operate with other bodies whose interest may be similar, in particular with national and international associations of university and college professors and lecturers and of research workers.
- In association with other faculty associations or unions to improve the services provided by the academic profession and to advance the scientific, educational, professional and economic welfare of all members of the academic profession.
- To settle all disputes which may arise with employers or organizations of employers by negotiation.
- To do all such other things as are necessary or incidental or conducive to the objects of the Union. (top)
ARTICLE I - Interpretation
In this Constitution and on these Bylaws:
- “Union” means the St. Thomas More Faculty Union (1977).
- “College” means St. Thomas More College.
- “Notice” except as otherwise provided in these Bylaws, means notice in writing and shall be properly given to any member either personally or by sending by post to him or her at his or her last address shown in the Register of the Union, or to such other address as the party to receive the notice may previously have advised the Union, or by delivery to the member’s faculty mailbox, and if given by post, shall be deemed to have been given forty-eight (48) hours after the same is deposited in the member’s faculty mailbox.
ARTICLE II - Membership
Section 1, Eligibility
Those eligible for membership in the Union shall be:
All full-and part time academic persons employed by St. Thomas More College appointed by or receiving salaries from funds disbursed by the College operating budget including:
- All Sessional Lecturers;
- All Special Lecturers;
- All Instructors and Lecturers;
- All Assistant Professors, Associate Professors, and Professors;
- All Librarians;
but excluding the President and Dean of the College.
Other subunits of the College staff which request representation and are recognized as members by the Labour Relations Board. Faculty Members who serve on the Board of Governors shall be entitled to membership but without vote for the term of their service on the Board.
Section 2, Active Members
Any person eligible for membership in the Union who has at heart the objects set forth in the Constitution may participate in the Union as an active member with full rights to vote and hold office except for those serving on the Board who shall not have voting rights for the term of their service on the Board. In a given year Sessional Lecturers, Continuing Sessional Faculty Members, and term appointees shall enjoy full voting rights for the full twelve months following the beginning of their contract.
ARTICLE III - General Meetings
Section 1, Powers
All legislative, executive, judicial, and administrative powers of the Union shall be vested in the General Meeting when in session and when a General Meeting is not in session shall be vested in the Executive Committee-subject to the express provisions of the Constitution and Bylaws.
Section 2, Calling of Meetings
The Annual General Meeting of the Union shall be held within two months after the annual election to the Executive Committee. Additional meetings may be held at the discretion of the Executive Committee, or on the request in writing of not fewer than five members of the Union. All meetings of the Union shall be called by the President who shall normally preside over such meetings. Notice in writing of all meetings shall be given to members of the Union at least two weeks prior to the date.
Section 3, Quorum
The quorum for all General Meetings shall be 20 members of the Union, both active and non-voting as described in Article II.
Section 4, Amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws
The Constitution and Bylaws of the Union may be amended only in accordance with the following rules:
Notice of motion concerning such amendment shall be submitted in writing to the President. Such notice of motion shall contain explicitly the proposed amendment. On receiving such notice of motion, the President shall send copies of it to all members of the Union. A general meeting shall be held to discuss Constitutional amendments and changes to the Bylaws, with the vote by mail ballot to follow. Any motion to amend the Constitution shall come into effect only if it is passed by fifty percent plus one of the active members of the Union.
ARTICLE IV - Executive Committee
Section 1, Composition
There shall be an Executive Committee which shall be composed of four active members of the Union elected from the membership.
The Executive Committee shall elect a President, a Vice-President-Secretary, and a Treasurer.
Section 2, Election
An election shall be held each year in March. Members shall hold office for a period of three years beginning on the first day of July following the date of their election. Election of members to the Executive Committee shall be alternated in a manner so that at least one member is elected each year.
On or before April 15, the Executive Committee shall meet and elect a President, Vice-President-Secretary, and Treasurer who shall take office on July 1 of that year.
Elections shall be held under the direction of the Elections Committee. [The Elections Committee is described in Article VI, Section 1]
A nomination form shall be delivered to the member’s faculty mailbox, by the Elections Committee before March 7. Each nomination form shall bear the signature of not less than three members of the Union as sponsors of the nominee and of the nominee to signify his or her consent.
The appropriate ballot shall be delivered to the member’s faculty mailbox, by the Committee to each voting member of the Union. The marked ballots shall be returned to the Chair of the Committee.
It shall be the duty of the Elections Committee to count and tabulate the votes. Each candidate may be present at the counting and tabulation of the votes as a scrutineer or may appoint a representative to act as scrutineer in his or her place. The ballots shall not be destroyed until approval is given by the Annual General Meeting.
Any vacancy on the Executive Committee resulting from resignation, death, or any other cause, if occurring prior to February 1 in any year, shall be filled by the said Executive Committee from the eligible membership. Such an appointment shall be for a term not to extend beyond the next regular election. At that time an election shall be held to elect a representative to complete the vacant term.
Section 3, Powers
- To carry on business on behalf of the Union, including negotiating with the College Board of Governors respecting salaries, terms and conditions of employment for membership in the Union, and respecting any other matter in any way related to or affecting the relationship between the College and the Union.
- To investigate and report on any matters of interest to the Union.
- To request the services of any member of the Union to assist in matters where special or technical knowledge is required.
- To set the mill rate for Union dues.
Section 4, Manner of Proceeding
Except as otherwise provided in this Constitution and Bylaws, the Executive Committee shall make all decisions necessary for the management of the Union by way of resolution passed by a majority of its members present at the meeting where the resolution is voted upon. For purposes of voting on any resolution, the President shall have the right to vote with other members of the Executive Committee.
Section 5, Ratification of Collective Agreement
Collective agreements negotiated by the Negotiating Committee shall be ratified by the voting members of the Union in a special meeting called for that purpose by the President. The collective agreement shall be ratified by a majority vote of the active members of the Union present at the meeting.
Section 6, Audit
The Executive Committee shall have the books of account of the Union verified by the auditor appointed by the Executive Committee from time to time and shall present to the Annual Meeting a financial report fully signed by him or her.
Section 7, Meetings
Meetings of the Executive Committee may be held at any time and place upon notice and at the call of any member of the Executive Committee. Three of the members shall constitute a quorum.
Section 8, Save Harmless
The Union shall indemnify and save harmless from personal liability any member of the Executive Committee or any person appointed by the Executive Committee from personal liability incurred by such person in the administration of the Union, provided that such protection shall extend only to persons acting bone fide in the interest of the Union.
ARTICLE V - Officers
Section 1, President
The President shall be elected by the members of the Executive Committee and shall hold office for one year or for a lesser period of time at the pleasure of the Executive Committee. The president may continue in office for not more than three years, except with the unanimous consent, by secret ballot, of all members of the Executive Committee. It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all meetings and to perform such duties at such meetings as custom and parliamentary usage require.
Section 2, Vice-President-Secretary
A Vice-President-Secretary shall be elected by members of the Executive Committee to preside in the absence of the President. He or she shall keep an accurate and true record of the membership of the Union. He or she shall promptly prepare and keep an accurate and true record of all proceedings and meetings of the Union and Executive Committee and shall make such records available at the offices of the Union for inspection by any member of the Union.
Section 3, Treasurer
The Treasurer shall be elected by members of the Executive Committee. He or she shall keep an accurate account of all financial report of all money transactions of the Union at Meetings of the Executive Committee, or, upon request in writing by any member.
ARTICLE VI - Standing and Special Committees
Section 1 The Elections Committee
The Elections Committee shall have the responsibility for conducting the election of members to the Executive Committee as described in Article IV, Section 2. It shall consist of two members named by the Executive Committee from among the general membership of the Union. The Chair of the Elections Committee shall only vote in the case of a tie.
Section 2, The Negotiating Committee
Two or three members of the Executive Committee or of the active membership who shall be responsible for negotiating changes to the collective agreement with the Board of Governors of the College. The Negotiating Committee shall consult with the general membership about its priorities for collective bargaining and shall keep the membership informed through periodic newsletters. It shall also meet regularly with the Executive Committee for advice and direction.
Section 3, The Consultation Committee
Two or three members of the Executive Committee or the active membership who will meet with Board representatives on issues pertaining to the maintenance and interpretation of the Agreement.
Section 4, Grievance Committee
Two members of the Executive Committee or the active membership who will meet with Board representatives for the resolution of grievances arising from the Agreement.
Section 5, Committee for Sessional Faculty and Term Appointees
Each fall the Executive Committee shall designate two or three representatives of the sessional faculty and term appointees who shall serve as liaison and advocates for sessional and term appointees.
Section 6, Special Committees
In addition to the aforesaid committees, there shall be, at the discretion of the Executive Committee, such other special committees as it deems advisable.
Section 7, Duties
Unless otherwise directed by the Executive Committee, the duties of the Standing and Special Committees shall be deemed advisory.
ARTICLE VII - Borrowing Powers
The Union may by resolution of the Annual Meeting or of a Special Meeting borrow such amounts of money as are necessary for the conduct of the affairs of the Union and give such security as may be necessary.
ARTICLE VIII - Liability of Members
No member of the Union shall on his or her individual capacity be liable for any debt or liability of the Union.
ARTICLE IX - Procedure
Except where otherwise provided by the Union in these Bylaws, all matters of procedure at any meeting of the Union or Executive Committee shall be decided in accordance with Roberts Rules of Order, Revised.